LEED ® is a flexible and articulated system, which provides for differentiated formulations for new construction and renovations (NC, New construction and major renovations), Housing (CS, Core Shell &), schools (LEED for Schools), existing buildings (Existing Buildings Operation, EBOM & Maintenance), little houses (LEED Homes), shops (LEED Retail), furniture (CI, Commercial Interiors).
Soundproofing of a restaurant - feasibility study
The products of the Phonolook Acoustics line help you to reduce the acoutics reverberation, making your evenings at the restaurant more pleasant and comfortable.

Feasibility study for noise reduction in a restaurant
Eterno Ivica's experts carry out inspections to study and propose the most suitable solutions for your needs.
Theatre Design passes throgh reverberation analysis
Design sound-absorption solution passes trough the analysis

Acoustic measurements in the gym
Eterno Ivica's experts carry out acoustic measurements on site to limit the reverberation.